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The order of my self-imposed titles is important. I am first and foremost an avid traveler/wanderer and everything I do is with the purpose of getting to explore every corner of the globe. There's nothing better than experiencing a new culture, language, food, etc.  Secondly, I am a student and teacher of yoga at BIG Power Yoga in Houston, TX. I found yoga during graduate school and it is now a part of my life that I could not do without. Thirdly, I am an environmental consultant for a company in Houston. The short of it is, yoga and traveling wake me up each day, consulting pays the bills (so I can do yoga and travel).

A few fun facts about me:
1). I am a self-proclaimed ice cream connoisseur. I will never turn down an offer to eat the sweet, creamy deliciousness. In fact, when I feel sick to my stomach, I typically think ice cream will solve the problem.
2). I travel a lot for work - to some fun places and some not-so-fun places. End of the day, it gets me miles and hotel points for my wandering. And allows me to try new ice cream places.
3). I have a fear of poisonous snakes. It is completely rational and if you don't have a fear of poisonous snakes, you are the irrational one.
4). I'm a Yankee living in Texas. I miss fall and winter and great cities (filled with Yankees), but I love tacos. I don't know how the rest of the world survives without breakfast tacos.
5). I have 14 tattoos. I regret none.

If you want to know more, just ask! And check back for posts from my wandering - work and fun related!